
PCI DSS compliance - Ten myths busted

31 Oct 2018

Confused about PCI DSS compliance? It's not surprising with the amount of different interpretations and myths circulating.

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How insurers can turn toxic overnight

27 Sep 2018

Are US insurance companies in danger of shooting themselves in the foot? Even the best of brands are at risk - if they get exposed in one vital area of customer care.

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How to de-risk your at-home agents

16 Aug 2018

How can US health insurers boost their agility by hiring more at-home agents to handle calls - without compromising data security? Forward-thinking companies have found the answer.

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BCBS companies lead way in medical data breach battle

3 Aug 2018

Healthcare identity theft and fraud is a fast-growing threat in the US, but some insurance organizations are getting the diagnosis spot on and the remedy is working.

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Agent desktops: Seven ways to get the best ROI

24 Jul 2018

Unified agent desktops can transform the fortunes of US contact centers and enhance their relationships with customers. But why do some deliver a much faster payback than others?

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Agent desktops: Unified agent desktops: Ready to unleash some magic?

13 Jul 2018

The right agent desktop can do magical things transforming relationships between businesses and customers. But what's the secret behind it all? You may be surprised.

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PCI DSS: What's the cost of DIY compliance vs de-scoping?

6 Jun 2018

Tackling PCI DSS compliance can feel like you're battling with hydra from Greek mythology ... the moment you think you're making progress, the monster grows another head. So, is it time to hand the job to someone with more firepower?

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PCI DSS: The thrills, perils and costs of DIY compliance

17 May 2018

Card payment fraud is rising - and merchants need to safeguard the way they process, store and transmit cardholder data. But should PCI DSS compliance be something you tackle on your own?

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PCI DSS: What's the cost of doing nothing?

11 Apr 2018

Most of us hate petty rules and red tape, and if there's no penalty for non-compliance we tend to turn a blind eye. But is PCI DSS something that merchants can ignore or does neglect come at a devastating price?

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Top 10 facts about PCI DSS Compliance that you need to know

26 Sep 2017

What do you need to prove you can handle card payments securely - a black belt, a Michelin star, or maybe even the Nobel prize for security? The correct answer is PCI DSS. But what does this security standard really mean?

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